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20227 Fire Panel, 12v

Price: $45.00
Weight: 0lbs

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Fire Panel can be used with 20112, 20114, 20512, and 20514 Fire Detectors. Red Warning Light, panel mounted Audible alarm, and green ON light. Available in 24v and 32v. Panel Size 3" x 1-3/4"
20275 Smoke Warning Panel

Price: $23.00
Weight: 0lbs

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Smoke Warning Panel Smoke Warning Panel, 12 volt   Warning panel with red LED light and panel mounted buzzer Designed to be used with 20271 Smoke Detector. Can be used with other Aqualarm marine alarm audible warning devices for added notification Also available in 24v   Panel size 3" x 1-3/4"
20271 Smoke Detector. Direct Wire 12 and 24 volt

Price: $89.00
Weight: 0lbs

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Smoke Detector Smoke Detector, Hard Wired, 12, 24 volt Direct, hard wired conventional photoelectric smoke detector with mounting base Two LEDs flash every five seconds indicating power to the detector and the detector is working properly UL listed 4 " diameter, 2" high Works with Aqualarm Warning Panel 20275 Works with Cellular Select Options
20398 Reverse Polarity Warning

Price: $73.00
Weight: 0lbs

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Reverse Polarity Warning, Now, remove the uncertianty of dockside power problems. This reverse polarity alarm will sound a loud audible warning and flash a bright red light when polarity is reversed. It is esential, for the protection of crew and electronic equipment, to know immediately if the 'hot' and 'neutral' are reversed. You will have Select Options
20230 Fire Warning - Rate of Rise/Fixed 135°F

Fire Alarm Panel size 1-3/4" x 3" The Remote Fire Detector (UL and ULC listed) and the Warning Panel included in the kit, monitors heat level and activates the red light on the Warning Panel and sounds a loud buzzer, built into the panel,when the temperature reaches 135 ° F or Rate of Rise is reached. Multiple Remote Fire Detectors can be wired Select Options
20278 Fire and Smoke Warning Panel, 12 Volt

Use with Fire Detector 20512 or Fire and Smoke Panel   Use with Fire Detector 20512 or 20514 and Smoke Detector 20271.....Multiple Detectors can be used with this panel.   Panel size 3-1/8 x 2-5/8   This Boat Alarm will sound a loud panel mounted buzzer and activate the red light whenever there is an fire or smoke alarm Select Options
20352 Cooling Water Flow Panel, 12 volt

20352 Cooling Water Flow Panel, 12 volt Panel includes red warning lights, loud audible, and mute. Can be used with any Cooling Water Flow Detector Panel size 3-1/8 x 2-5/8
10235 Cooling Water Flow Detector

Price: $79.95
Weight: 0lbs

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Cooling Water Flow Detector - 3/4" MPT Now, with a 3.0 amp switch Mulit-voltage, works with 12v,24v, 32v This Cooling Water Flow Detector is designed to be inserted into an adapter or it can also be drilled and tapped into a ridged nipple or plumbing. Monitors Marine Engine Raw Water Flow to prevent engine damage due to overheating. Activates a Select Options
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